Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Lawyers in New York

We are a New York City-based IP law firm serving clients worldwide, protecting assets across borders.

You’re building valuable intellectual property. But are you even effectively monetizing it and protecting it from thieves?

The brand equity you’re building is your most valuable asset. Don’t let others make money off it. Our attorneys will help you protect your trademarks, copyrights and patents, strategize avenues to monetization, and ensure competitors aren’t taking unfair advantage.

What’s Your IP Strategy?
All of the long hours your company spent ideating and building your brands can evaporate if you don’t take the steps at the outset to get solid trademark and patent protection for each brand name, tagline, invention, and design. Work with us to create a strategy on making money from your intellectual property. Whether it’s through brand expansion, joint ventures, or licensing, we’ll make sure you can automatically grow your IP value for years to come.

How we helped Terry

Jamie Glowacki

“We use Gouchev Law for all of our legal needs. We are a NYC tech start-up in the service industry. Gouchev Law has done number Operating Agreement, dissolved a previous partnership we had, our trademark application, our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, our Independent Contractor Agreement and other corporate documents. We plan on working with them as our company grows and highly recommend the firm.”

Terry Nguyen, Team Member, Techn

Modern Legal Counsel

Turn Your IP into Cashflow
One most commonly ignored revenue streams is monetizing on a company’s innovations. Let us prevent you from failing to protect your trademarks and patents, or missing out on licensing and other revenue-building opportunities that automatically grow your company’s bottom line. At Gouchev Law, we will help you protect all your trademarks and patents, and guide you towards wealth-creating IP strategies.

Forceful Defense of Your Trademarks and Patents
What if you’ve spent the majority of your budget on marketing your brand, selling your unique products and designs, and now someone comes along and copies it all? You need vigorous defense of your intellectual property from misuse and outright theft by business partners, competitors, and strangers both here and around the world. Not only is it possible to be proactive in protecting your IP, it can be absolutely essential to your company’s survival. We will help your company develop strategies to avoid theft and misuse and take legal steps to address and deter abuse of your company’s IP when it occurs.

How Can We Help?

Talk to a Senior Attorney!

(212) 537-9209

  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Confidentiality Agreements
  • Cease and Desist Letters
  • Licensing Agreements
  • Trade Dress
  • Trade Secrets Protection
  • Intellectual Property Assignments