Lifestyle Consultancy: Shift Limiting Beliefs

Meet This Month’s Hot Entrepreneur! Meet Ellen Thomas, founder of Shift Limiting Beliefs, a coaching consultancy that helps you live a life that thrills you. Ellen’s mission is simple. She helps people change their beliefs so they can finally live their...

Healthy Snacks Retailer: HOyos Snacks

Meet This Month’s Hot Entrepreneurs! Meet Octavio and Isaura, founders of HOyos, a snack food company based in New York. HOyos is not only creating the freshest and tastiest plantain chips and other snacks, but is also helping create jobs in the U.S. and in...

The Secret that Grows Your Revenue and Protects Against Bad Clients

There’s a widely undervalued contract that can actually help your business grow. It’s something that entrepreneurs often mistakingly don’t put into play when they’re first starting out. This magic document is a custom client service agreement. How Does a...

Author & Online Entrepreneur: oh crap!

Meet This Month’s Hot Entrepreneur! Meet Jamie Glowacki, an impressive business owner and now widely known published author. Jamie came to Gouchev Law for intellectual property protection. Things were moving at such high-speed in her business, that we dove right...