Business Law Insights
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A Lawyer’s Guide to Successful Mergers & Acquisitions
The EY-Parthenon Deal Barometer predicts that Mergers & Acquisitions deals in 2024 will increase 20%, which is very promising indeed. How attorneys structure and close a successful M&A deal is critical, considering that half of acquisitions fall apart...
A Lawyer’s Guide to Successful Mergers & Acquisitions
Choosing which company to acquire is both complex and highly strategic. Evaluating a target company extends beyond financials; it involves delving into the brand’s narrative and uncovering the potential synergy in a Merger or Acquisition.
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There is much you need to know as you start and grow your new business. To help determine the priorities and avoid getting overwhelmed, here is a checklist for essential start-up issues we use with new clients. 1. Business Model Is your idea viable as a business? Do...
Meet This Month's Hot Entrepreneurs! Meet Octavio and Isaura, founders of HOyos, a snack food company based in New York. HOyos is not only creating the freshest and tastiest plantain chips and other snacks, but is also helping create jobs in the U.S. and in Latin...
There’s a widely undervalued contract that can actually help your business grow. It's something that entrepreneurs often mistakingly don’t put into play when they're first starting out. This magic document is a custom client service agreement. How Does a Client...
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The truth is, it’s always easier and cheaper to prevent than to cure an issue, especially a legal one. If you take the right steps, you can prevent legal hassles and save a lot of money. To help get started, I'm going to share with you a pattern of common mistakes...
Meet This Month's Hot Entrepreneur! Meet Jamie Glowacki, an impressive business owner and now widely known published author. Jamie came to Gouchev Law for intellectual property protection. Things were moving at such high-speed in her business, that we dove right into...
Maybe you’ve been considering applying for a federally registered trademark on your own to save money. But according to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), “most applicants hire an attorney who specializes in trademark matters to represent them in the...
Meet This Month's Hot Entrepreneur! Meet Jamie Jensen, a boss entrepreneur and an extremely talented copywriter and founder of Your Hot Copy. Before we started working together, Jamie had been contemplating whether she should make the investment in a lawyer. Here is...
Every LLC should have an operating agreement, but because there’s typically no filing requirement for this document, many companies use a cookie cutter contract and just fill in the blanks. That’s one of the riskiest things you could do, especially if your LLC has...
After tons of questions on this topic, I've decided to talk about the best time a business should invest in a lawyer, and how to save money where possible. Costs Versus Return Startups struggle deciding whether to spend on legal services because these services don’t...
Intellectual property is a vital part of a businesses’ bottom line. The reason? It’s where most of your company’s brain power goes, and that exact brain power used to build your business is what makes your business more and more valuable. We’ve discussed this topic...
How do we create a brand worth millions? Bikram Choudhury did just that with his style of hot yoga called Bikram, which you’re probably familiar with. Bikram consists of a series of 26 posture exercises (asanas) and two breathing exercises performed in a room heated...
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has some great news for business owners looking to protect their potential trademarks. As of January 17, 2015, the USPTO will reduce trademark filing fees for electronic trademark applications and renewals. Electronic...
The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes a lull in sales for some small businesses. Which is why it’s a great time to to start thinking about ramping up your sales strategy for the new year. But how? Differentiate yourself Standing out is really what it’s...
Information is becoming easier and easier to access and distribute, making it harder to safeguard your intellectual property or product ideas from theft and copying. Whether you are a start-up or a multinational company, taking steps to protect your intellectual...
In today’s market you may be able to get an edge over the competition if you can find a way to profit from your intellectual property or someone else’s through licenses and partnerships. In a typical licensing agreement, the licensor grants the licensee the right to...
So you’ve got your business up and running, and maybe it’s not perfect but you’re working hard on improvements to your products, services, and strategies. If you’ve been at this for a while (or even if you’re just starting out), you’re probably wondering if you’re...
Two of the most enticing things about an LLC is that it prevents business owners from being personally liable for things related to the business, and it provides pass-through tax status. It also has fewer formalities and requires less legal documentation. If filing as...
Your business needs change over time. When it comes to your business structure, the ideal thing is to pick the right one from your first day in business, but you might have decided to keep things simple at the beginning. It’s often hard to anticipate your business...
First, let’s clear up the differences between angels and venture capitalists (VCs). The two main distinctions are: Angels invest their own money; VCs invest other people’s money. Angel investment is more likely to be in the hundreds of thousands, while VC investments...
Leveraging Products, Sales Process, and Social Media Okay, everyone’s talking about the importance of scalability with your business, but what does that really mean for you? The short answer is that you want your business to be able to turn a profit without you having...